News 2008 |
2008.12.02 | Frontlines
Frontlines 4.0 with the War Server Released!!!
Finaly the so awaited War Server it's ready to change the FPS gaming history forever! War Server it's a feature from Frontlines which will transform your server into a full war instead of isolated battles like all FPS servers in the world.
In a resume, the War Server will emulate a Single Player game using the maps from Multiplayer to trace a campaign where each team have the objective to advance into the enemy territory, find the VIP which have the location of the Commander and eliminate him. The first team to do that wins the war.
Now the clans will play Wars instead of just battles!
Aside the War Server, version 4.0 have few new great features, like the Medic and UAV perks which are in those videos above, the brand new Silent Mode to Weapons Modes, and others.
Download Frontlines 4.0 with the War Server right now and let the Wars start! 8 new gametypes are already in development to the next releases, and also a version to COD:WaW is planned.
2008.10.05 | Frontlines
Frontlines 3.5 Released!!!
A pre-release of the War Server was released today bringing many new realistic features, like real damage feedback, lots of blood specially on the explosions, a new Last Stand, 2 new Weapons Modes and many more... and of course, after many requests I changed my mind and bring to you HER to COD4! Now you will really fear your enemy!
Frontlines 4.0 with the War Server is coming...
2008.09.12 | Frontlines
In few days I'll complete my work that I need to do with music and will comeback to work with Frontlines again. But I decided to change the plans and comeback to focus into the War Server instead of the new gametypes. First because it's what almost everyone is waiting more and all the time asking me when this will be released, and because I'm creating so many new gametypes, I'm already working in more 10 of them, so seams this will never end.
So it's better release the War Server plus few more features and tweaks, and release the gametypes later when they are beeing finished. So in next Frontlines version (4.0) the so awaited feature War Server will be present.
Now we all and win money playing Frontlines! Yeah... it's a very nice online championship where you win points everytime you play on their servers, and have lots of prizes to the first results! Check out!
Frontlines will be also feature in the magazine and DVD of the Spiele Magazine, which is the game division of the famous Computer Bild. Will be released at the October Edition.
Aside Frontlines, I made some fast tests in HER BF2 and BF2142 and found a nice way to make the game with objective, and not more camp to win. So is also planned a final version of these mods soon.
2008.07.24 | Frontlines
Frontlines 3.1 Released!!!
A new version was released today bringing another brand new gametype called Chopper and other few new features. Download the new version right now and update your servers. For now on each release will come with a new gametype. Enjoy and have fun!
2008.06.28 | HER Battlefield 2142
Yeah! You that were asking all the time for play HER with all unlocks and maps now you can. COOP in a intesive futuristic war against the mostly deadly bots, and now with the mostly deadly weapons too. Click HERE for more info and download.
Ok, now I comeback to work with Frontlines... have fun! :D
2008.06.25 | Frontlines
Frontlines 3.0 Released!!!
Frontlines 3.0 was released today with a lot of new features never featured in any game before, with highlights to the Hajas' Duel, Size Rotation, Drop, Weapons Modes, Random Gametypes and an smart Anti-Camping system which is perfect to open servers, until make me love to play Team Deathmatch again.
The future of Frontlines will be great! The next release will come with 5 brand new realistic gametypes which the work already started a few months ago. The new gametypes are : Assault (like in UT!), Nuke, Docs and another 2 in 1 gametype called Assassin, which can be turned to Spy with just one flag like the Commander/VIP gametype. And probably more 2 new great gametypes that I'm still studying if will be possible to add them.
And in the follow release I'll present you the War Server which is already working but still need a lot of improvements in the setup options, which is a hell to do without the able to exec files via code, and I don't want to create thousands of vars to make that. So I'm studing a way to make these Wars configurable in the easier way as possible in the future.
About the Frontlines Map Contest I already received very nice maps until now and probably all of them will be used in the War Server to create many different Wars to the admin can choose which to play on his server. Since I'll not be able to release the War Server soon, I'll open the period of the contest and start to releasing different Wars with the maps that I already have selected. So if you have nice maps and want them in one of the Wars of War Server, please send me soon as you can if you want your work at the first War. Click here to know more.
So it's all for now! Please update your Game and Servers and have fun! The war has just started! :P
2008.05.27 | HER Battlefield 2
I finally found the video with HER Battlefield 2 featured at GIGA TV, a famous gaming TV Show in Germany at YouTube and now have it featured in my site.
Then I created a new section called Press where you gonna find the highlights of my carreer in games.
In a side note Frontlines 3.0 is getting close to be released with really great new features, one of them is a new menu which came with the "Frontlines Theme", a song composed/produced by myself. Yes, you can Listen Online right now or Download as your wish.
2008.04.19 | Frontlines
This week I was surprised by an invite by Jock Yitch to make a interview followed by a live interview to his webcast, both to his BASH and SLASH gaming site, which is a really nice site about FPS games.
The interview was really cool and very fun. Jock and I talked about almost 2 hours about games and related stuff. The interview was of course edited with their highlights to not get you bored too fast with my unusual english.
Take a listen and don't forget to check also the text interview here.
2008.04.08 | Help Forum
In the last months I was receiving so many questions which was making me waste hours and hours replying emails, and in almost of times with the same answers to the same questions.
So I created a Help Forum to save me time to answer all your questions and solve all your problems relative to my mods.
Feel free to register and create a topic with your own questions/problems in the respective forum of the mod that you are using.
2008.04.05 | Frontlines
The french community Team Soldats-@ is organizing to start at April 18 a Mobilization Day against Cancer.
From day 18/04/2008 at 20:00hs until 19/04/2008 at 20:00hs will be open the server below of Call of Duty 4 with 32 slots, and to each different player connected the league against cancer will give € 0.10 for the project. The server below will be only online during this period.
Name : Soldats-@ Journée de mobilisation contre le cancer
IP/port :![]()
Password : JMCC
Mod : Frontlines V-2.1
Slots : 32 places
Punkbuster : active
I'm glad that Frontlines was selected to be part of this nice event.
I hope everyone that can play on that time connect, have fun, and make their part to help the war against cancer.
More information here (in french only).
2008.04.03 | Frontlines
Yesterday I suggested some improvements in the great COD4 Demo Player created by Cybopat. I sent information about how to make the player also work with Mods and also Custom Maps which wasn't working. Well, in less than 24hs Pat made the changes and sent me a beta version to test. I tested few minutes ago and it's all working great! Which will help me a lot in the future videos of my mod and also all the players and modders around the world.
Thanks Pat for the great and now perfect player, and for the fast changes.
This new version with Mods and Custom Maps support should be released soon. Keep visiting his site to get the new version in the next days.
Download : Cybopat COD4 Player
2008.04.02 | Frontlines
This week I got 2 great news about Frontlines. The first was that my mod become the COD4 File of The Week at COD Files, one of the most famous Call of Duty sites in the world. Which already had more than 1000 downloads in just 10 days.
Aside that, Frontlines is making a great success in Germany, specially at 1st Panzer Division which made his Frontlines Server left the position 7756 and reach the position 1770 (1495 right now) in the most played servers at GameTracker Ranking. Check news and comments here (in German).
And another news about the development is that during the programming of the 3rd gametype I created more 2 brand new and realistic gametypes to Frontlines. So will be 5 brand new gametypes instead of 3.
2008.03.29 | Frontlines
Added a small FAQ to the Frontlines aside the existing ones in the details links. With answers to the questions that I'm receiving about the mod since the last release. About the Commander, please go to his personal FAQ in his details link.
Thanks to Ghost Team eXtreme and Blood Brothers Alliance from France and Pinky's Playhouse from USA (first in America!) for the new Frontlines servers online. Check all the servers here.
2008.03.28 | Great News
My interview about HER Airborne is now featured on the links of Total Gaming Network pages.
Today Frontlines was featured in the modding highlights of march at Mod DB, which is the biggest mod community in the world.
Thanks to The French Connection from France, Major_Day from UK and from Poland for the new Frontlines servers online. Check all the servers here.
2008.03.26 | HER Airborne
HER Airborne 2.3 Released!!!
With the latest patch 1.3 released to MOH Airborne aside many bug fixes come with 2 brand new maps, 2 new weapons and finally the real objective gametype. So deserved a new version of HER to match with this patch. If you still don't believe that this game is cool, try it with HER and you will completely change your mind.
More information and download on the HER Airborne site.
Because this release I was interviewed by Total Gaming Network some days ago, and the interview was published yesterday. You can read the Full Interview here and also leave your Comments on the forums.
2008.03.22 | Frontlines Map Contest
Are you a mapper? Want to have your maps released on the Frontlines MapPack?
Frontlines is searching for great maps to be released in his upcomming MapPack, which will be released on this site and in most famous gamming communities in the world, on sites and magazines... and all this for free!
If you want your name and work side by side with the mod that will change gamming FPS servers of the world forever, that's your chance!
Click here for more information.
Thanks to Weekend Warriors from Germany and Red Devils from France for the new Frontlines servers online. Check all the servers here.
2008.03.21 | Frontlines
Frontlines 2.1 Released!!!
Was found a bug when you set scr_commander_next 1 in Commander gametype and you only have Attackers players online, the server was crashing when hit the timelimit.
Download : Frontlines 2.1
This bug was fixed in version 2.1. Please update your servers! Thanks to 1 Panzerdivision from Germany to discover this bug and let me know.
2008.03.18 | Frontlines
Frontlines 2.0 Released!!!
Come with nice new features like Hajas Invert Sides & Hajas Server Spam and also a brand new 2 in 1 gametype called Commander, which can be transformed into a VIP gametype with a single flag. The new gametype will be great for clan matches in the future, with a lot more flexible tactics available to use then in Search & Destroy.
A map contest is comming to create the first Frontlines MapPack.
Thanks to 1 Panzerdivision from Germany for setup a Frontlines server.
Frontlines Servers Country Name IP ![]()
1.PD Frontlines
2008.03.15 | Frontlines
Frontlines gets an official represent in France!!
The famous Soldats-@ team is hosting a big page about Frontlines and become the official represent of my mod in the entire France, providing all the pages and support in french. They will start to host few servers with Frontlines soon.
Check the first one below:
Frontlines Servers Country Name IP ![]()
.::Soldats-@::.=[Mod Frontlines]=
We got also a nice review from the great german site Call Of Duty 4 : Stammtisch, and I was also invited to become a member of the forums. If you are in Germany and like Call Of Duty 4 you should visit this site.
2008.03.07 | Frontlines
I wake up this morning and found an email from Andreas Bertits, the Community Editor from the german magazines PC Action/PC Games wanting to add Frontlines to BOTH magazines were will be an article about it AND also feature my mod in the Magazine's DVD.
Will be really great to have one of my mods in a real Magazine. PC Action will be out on April 23 and PC Games will be out at April 30 in Germany. I just need to find a way to get one of these to myself. :D
We got also another mirror page at StrategyInformer.
2008.03.06 | Frontlines
Frontlines was featured in the first page of Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare page at Total Gaming Network. You can check the COD4 page here or you can go directly to the post about my mod and give your opinion in the forums here.
We got also a page at AtomicGamer with also a file mirror to download of the mod.
2008.03.06 | Frontlines
Frontlines have now his first 24hs online server!
[NER-HQ] is hosting right now a server in UK with Frontlines! More info about them at, a clan that I'm proud to be a member.
Frontlines Servers Country Name IP ![]()
If you have a server running one of my MODs please let me know that I'll list them at Servers in this site. Thanks!
2008.03.05 | Frontlines
It's here! The first version of my current project to COD4 is available! Download : Frontlines 1.0 and start right now to play the new Battlefront gametype and use Hajas Spawn Protection in any gametype you wish at your server.
The full version of Frontlines will come with more 2 gametypes and the War Server. Keep checking this site for updates.
2008.03.04 | Frontlines
Added to my site a page about my current project. Frontlines it's a mod to Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare and will be release in the next days his first version.
This video shows one of their features.
2008.02.24 | HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142
HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142 were featured in the german site BF-GAMES.NET where both received a really nice review.
2008.02.23 | HER Battlefield 2
My MOD was featured yesterday at the site of the German TV Show GIGA.
2008.02.22 | HER Battlefield 2
HER Battlefield 2 have now his first online server!
=EBS= is hosting right now a server in UK with HER! More info about them at
HER Battlefield 2 Servers Country Name IP ![]()
If you have a server running one of my MODs please let me know that I'll list them at Servers in this site. Thanks!
2008.02.22 | HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142
Both HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142 were featured in the first page of his respective Total Gaming Network. You can check them and give your opinion in the forums at: Total Battlefield 2 or Total Battlefield 2142.
2008.02.20 | HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142
Few people complained about the game became slow when playing with HER Battlefield 2 or HER Battlefield 2142. These things can happen because these MODs changes the default number of bots from 16 to 48 and increase their intelligence, so these features will request more CPU to process.
So if you are having this problem, your machine is not fast enough to take care of so many bots. Then I'm releasing today 2 new patches to each MOD, then you must install to comeback to have just 16 bots.
For Slow Machines Only HER BF2 HER BF2142 Download Download
Just unzip inside your Battlefield telling to overwrite the files then you will have the problem solved. Again, this is only for people who is experiencing lags during the gameplay using HER, if you are not having problems, you should not install these patches.
2008.02.18 | HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142
Videos to promote HER Battlefield 2 & HER Battlefield 2142 were released to show you an in-game action with HER installed! Enjoy!
Both were made to be feature in my Mod DB page, which I finally start to update in this last week. There you can watch and download them with high quality. Check also my Mods at Mod DB.
2008.02.15 | HER Battlefield 2.0
HER Battlefield 2 isn't a miniMod anymore! Now it's a full MOD where you don't need to uninstall everyday that you want to play online. Also added nice new features. Download : HER Battlefield 2.0.
2008.02.14 | HER Battlefield 2142
Realeased today this MOD will bring aside realism gameplay like all HER versions already released, will also bring nice stuff like blood effects, automatic BOTs to play COOP games, and other surprises...