2014.08.20 | MW2 Frontlines
In paralel with Star Wars Frontlines I start to port MW2 Frontlines to IW4PLAY and also add many new improvements into the MOD, as random objectives on each round,
which will make the gameplay a lot more fun
and different everytime we play, even if we are stuck with the default maps. Our server are beeing updated with new versions all the time. Just connect and have fun!
2014.05.01 | Star Wars Frontlines
Star Wars Frontlines development started in early 2014 and I'm working slowly on it in the short free time I found.
Star Wars Frontlines it's an ADD ON to the amazing Galactic Warfare MOD for Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Will add several features from Frontlines MOD.
The main idea was create a way to play it in my LAN with my kid, wife and friends, so BOTs was mandatory since there's no fun playing with just few players, another goal was to make the gameplay
less repetitive since have a very limited number of maps and gametypes, also adding several dynamic features and gameplay improvements like a full COOP mode.
With that in mind, Star Wars Frontlines was made with several random options that will change completly the map on each round, what will give you a new experience on each time you play giving better
life to the gameplay. There's so much new possibilities that will be very hard to play 2 times the same playing 2h a day for several weeks.
2014.04.05 | Goodbye AOWC
After several years of parternship with Art Of War Central is over. AOWC is one of the pioneer game hosting company and is sadly closing the doors after 13 years of great service because the lack of interest
in the game companies about the new titles available without any option to host servers.
With that many of our servers will become offline, and many will not have replacements.